In 2001, after years of frustration with local media, Rory Wilmer (RAWCUT) and I embarked on a quest to bring real news to the Wirral peninsula. Over the course of a decade, the Wirral Groan built an audience of local and international fans while breaking real news stories in amongst the smut and satire. Sadly, the pressures of work, relocation to another continent and the burgeoning responsibilities of new families brought the project to a halt in 2009. However, after returning to the UK for the creation of a BRUTE-inspired mural recently, I met with Rory and we decided to publish a proper newsprint version. Fake news, as ever, is the backbone of the paper but now with added AI art to further confuse and amuse. Read all about it in our first issue of the Wirral Groan, Mersyside’s finest satirical newspaper.